Sea Music Logo

Sea Music is a play represented by the preschoolers of Sunflower Academy at the end of the year festival.

Design a logo reflecting the marine life.

Create a logo that shows marine life and movement.
The logo will represent the play: “Sea Music” presented/acted for preschoolers.
The logo will be printed in paper and/because the preschoolers will cut and give to the parents as tickets for the play.

Search for marine life elements, plants or animals.
Draft marine elements, plants and animals.
Search for a color scheme that suits the marine life.
Search for a font that show fun and the movement of the sea.
Draft the selected element with the color scheme and the font that suits the element.
Create dummy for the client.

The director of the school and staff were very happy with the logo. The logo represented the life under the sea and It was easy to be cut by the kids and reflected the play theme.